Food Lover's Dispatch
Food Lover's Dispatch
Bonnie's is my favorite new restaurant

Bonnie's is my favorite new restaurant

absolutely positively obsessed

I’m in love with Bonnie’s.

This Cantonese-American restaurant is *so hot right now* (please tell me everyone understands my Zoolander reference) and I fully, fully get it.

Listen to the voice note for all my hot takes on why this place is so amazing and why, if I were to ever open a restaurant, I’d want all my guests to leave feeling the way I leave when I go to Bonnie’s. MAGIC!

subscribe so I can have more meals at Bonnie’s

x.o. cheung fun - insane umami and textures, one of my faves
the beautiful bday queen @pastaheiress with her MSG martini conceived of and made by talented bar man @channing_shake_em 😍
insane rose pet nat
cha siu mcrib - on a milk bun, bread & butter pickles, absolutely perfect
sleeper hit: Chinese long beans

Bonnie’s: 398 Manhattan Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211

Food Lover's Dispatch
Food Lover's Dispatch
Immigrant food. Culture. Natural wine.