Food Lover's Dispatch
Food Lover's Dispatch
Dispatching (semi) live from Bo Ky in Chinatown

Dispatching (semi) live from Bo Ky in Chinatown

a unique and insanely good Teochew lunch

I am currently laying on my bed trying to digest the meal of my dreams from Bo Ky in Chinatown - one of only a handful of Teochew restaurants in New York. Teochew cuisine is fascinating to me. I’m still researching but according to this story about the restaurant by Robert Sietsema, it’s a reflection of Cantonese, Fujianese and Vietnamese food. I’m also realizing at the time of writing that “Teochew” cuisine is also called “Chaoshan” cuisine which means I’ve watched 20 whole episodes about it via Flavorful Origins on Netflix! *Highly* recommend. For a full breakdown of what I ordered, listen to the audio note :) and let me know if you end up checking it out!

Bo Ky: 80 Bayard St, New York, NY 10013

Food Lover's Dispatch
Food Lover's Dispatch
Immigrant food. Culture. Natural wine.