Food Lover's Dispatch
Food Lover's Dispatch
Friday Feels #2

Friday Feels #2

my controversial opinion on risotto, a therapy update, etc.

Welcome back to Friday Feels where I reveal way too many of my inner thoughts and get all vulnerable with you guys which makes me feel super weird but is also oddly therapeutic at the same time!!

Should we start including an AMA aspect to these? Like, I choose one listener question per week to answer/discuss as a part of Friday Feels? We could do this via anonymous question submission on Instagram or via a discussion thread on Substack. Lemme know whatcha think and as always, reach out via the comment section below/DM/email if today’s note resonated with you.


If you like what you hear, please consider subscribing to FLD. Both free and paid subscribers mean the world to me but paying for a subscription allows me to keep writing and creating for you!

Oh, and here’s a pic of the shrimp/farro risotto-ish thing I made. RECIPE NEXT WEEK!

Food Lover's Dispatch
Food Lover's Dispatch
Immigrant food. Culture. Natural wine.